Toba Lake

Once upon time, there was a poor fisherman who lived in the small village in North Sumatera. He lived alone, his parents had been long gone and he had not married yet. Every day, he went to the river in his village to fish. It was the only job he had. One morning, as usual after he locked his hut, the fisherman went to the river to fish. That day, he only caught one fish, a big beautiful fish. He then put the fish into the bucket full of water and was ready to go home.

Feeling hungry, when he arrived at home, he prepared seasonings to cook the fish for his lunch. However, when he held the fish and looked at its eyes, he felt pity. He could not kill the fish. The fish was too beautiful to be his lunch. So he decided to put back it into the bucket. 

In the next day, as usual he went to fish again. But this time, he did not catch any fish. He went home with empty-handed. Remembered the fish he caught the previous day, he planned to cook it. However, when he wanted to take it, the fish was not there in the bucket. Instead, he found a beautiful girl sitting in his kitchen.  

“Who are you?” asked the fisherman.
“I was the fish” replied the girl.
“What do you mean?” asked the fisherman confuse.
“I was the fish you catch. You are so kind; you did not kill me yesterday. For that I am very thank full. To return your kindness, I will help you to do anything.” explained the girl.
“Well, I lived alone. I don’t have any family. If you want to be my wife, I will be very happy” asked the fisherman.
“Ok, but you have to promise to me. If we have children someday, don’t tell them about my origin. If you tell them, the very bad thing will happen.” said the girl.

The fisherman and the girl then married. And after a year, they had a baby boy named Samo. As any other children, Samo spent almost his day playing with friends. He played a lot and never helped his mother at home nor his father at the river. One day, Samo was asked to deliver a lunch to his father. But on the way to his father, he met his friends and decided to play with them. Samo forgot about delivering the lunch to his father. More ever, he ate it after playing tiredly. Meanwhile Samo’s father was waiting of his son bringing his lunch.  Tired and hungry after fishing all day, Samo’s father decided to go home. However, on the way to home he saw Samo.

“Samo, where have you been? You supposed to be deliver a lunch to me” asked his father.
“Mmmm… I am sorry, Dad. I forget. I have already eaten it with my friends” replied Samo.
“What!!! You eat it?? I go to work early in the morning and come back lately everyday so your and your mother’s needs are fulfilled. DO YOU EVEN KNOW THAT???” said Samo’s father angrily.
“But I am hungry, dad” replied Samo.
“Do you think I am not hungry too? You, DAMN SON OF A FISH, don’t you ever come home!!” Samo’s father was mad.

The Samo’s father anger took control of himself. He then realized that he had done something wrong. He should not say like that thing to Samo. He had broken his promise to Samo’s mother. Hearing what his father said to him, Samo cried and run back home to his mother. Samo told everything to her. Samo’s mother was sad that her husband had broken his promise. Suddenly, the sky was getting darker and rain fallen down.  The rain was very heavy. It made the river overflow. Flood could not be stopped. Within an hour, the village sank slowly. Before the village completely drowned, Samo was asked to run up to hill by his mother. Meanwhile, his mother turned herself back into a fish.

The flood made the village disappear. Samo’s father and all the villagers were drowning and death. It was only Samo who was safe. He made it into the top of the hill just in time before the flood sank the village. The legend said that the sinking village became a lake which is known today as ‘Toba Lake’ and the hill where Samo stayed became an island which is known as ‘Samosir Island’. :3

Moral of the story: Never let your anger take control of you. If it does, very bad things will follow. :3


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