Si Pitung

In antiquity, in the area of Jakarta (formerly Batavia) there lived a man named Pitung dashing. He was born of a couple named pack Piun and bu Pinah. Piun pack job everyday is farming.

Every day Pitung helped his father plant rice, coconut picking and looking for grass to feed livestock. Pitung also did not hesitate to help neighbors who need help. Each day Pitung also very diligent prayers and fasting, his father always taught Pitung to speak words that polite and obedient to my parents.

Pitung and his family lived in the village Rawabelong, kebayoran area. The area is a part of the territory landlord named babah Liem Tjeng Soen, therefore all citizens who live in it are required to pay taxes to babah Liem. The results of the land tax will be paid to the Netherlands.

In collecting taxes, babah Liem helped by his men, who come from the natives. Men who lifted babah Liem are natives clever wrangle and play weapons. The goal is to ensure that the residents do not dare to fight and argue at the time of the tax levied.

Until one day, when Pitung helping her father collect the harvest from the fields. At home, how shocked Pitung see babah Liem's men were angry at his father. Pitung and approached his father and asked subordinates babah Liem, "Hey, what's wrong my father?" "Ask your father at this !!", replied the men babah Liem.

Babah Liem's men then left with all the crops that have been dikumpulakan Pitung and father. With a furious tone, Pitung talking to himself, "Wait for revenge !!"

Until the next morning at the Pitung walked down the village, he saw arbitrariness babah Liem's men again. They took the chicken, goat, coconut, and rice from the population, without pity.

As citizens who feel responsible for security, then the Pitung not stay silent. Pitung and approached the men babah Liem, shouting "Stop coward !! Why did you seize property of others ?! "

The men then turned towards babah Liem Pitung. "Who are you, how dare stop us? You do not know who we are? ", Shouted the men babah Liem.

"I do not care who you are, but your deeds that it is cruel and inhuman!",
Replied the Pitung. 

Hearing the words Pitung, leader of men babah Liem became furious. He then approached the Pitung and blindly attacking alone. He thought that Pitung be easily broken down. However, to her surprise, instead Pitung block his arm and him to the ground unconscious. Liem's men babah another stop their activities and besieged Pitung. Deftly Pitung strike first. There were five people gang up on him. One by one he beat temples or bone dry them until they groan in pain. Then they carried the leadership of guard who was still unconscious and fled.

Before leaving, they threatened: "Watch out, we'll report Demang."

A few days after the incident, the name of the talk around the Pitung Kebayoran. However, Pitung undaunted and remained calm. It does not even shy away when someone asked him about the incident.

One day, Mr. Piun told Pitung sell goats to Tanah Abang market. Pak Piun was in need of money to meet the needs of the family. Pitung brother went to the ground to sell two goats that. Unbeknownst Pitung, there is one babah Liem's men who followed him since the departure of the house earlier. Until when Pitung bathe in the river and ablutions, the men babah Liem was stealing money from the sale of goats from his pocket which diletakkakn on the riverbank.

At home, Pitung very surprised. Because the money from the sale of goats was not in his pocket again. With a grunt he returned to the Tanah Abang market and search for those who had stolen his money. Upon investigation, he found that person. The people were gathered at a coffee shop.

Pitung came and scolded, "Return my money!"

One said with a laugh, "You can take this money, but you must be a member of us."

"I'm not willing to become a member you," replied the Pitung.

The men babah Liem was upset to hear the answer Pitung. Simultaneously they stormed Pitung. However, they face is Pitung of village Rawabelong ever beat six people hired by Babah Liem alone. As a result, one by one they hit punch Pitung.

Since that day, Pitung decided to defend those who are weak. He could no longer bear to see the suffering of ordinary people, the oppressed and exploited by the landlords Dutch colonists. Some men who've beaten Liem babah there is a converted her and she invited them to form a group. Together with his group, he plundered the houses of the rich and distributing wealth to plunder the poor and weak.

Name Pitung becomes fragrant among the common people .The landlords and people who take advantage by favoring Holland became uncomfortable. They complain about the problem to the Dutch government.

Batavia's colonial ruler ordered his officers-officers to arrest Pitung. Schout Heyne, Kebayoran commander, ordered the police orderlies to find out where the Pitung located. Schout Heyne promises a lot of money to anyone who wants to tell where Pitung

Knowing he was a fugitive, Pitung moved around the place and he still helps the people. The spoils of the rich always he gave to the people of the weak and oppressed by colonization.

One day, Pitung and his group trapped by the Dutch police tactics. Pitung that time and his group was going to rob the house of a village headman, but ternyatapolisi Dutch had already lurking around the village headman's house. Pitung When the group arrived, the police immediately surrounded the house. Pitung let himself be caught, while his companions escaped. Finally Pitung taken to jail and held there.

Because Pitung is one who is clever and powerful, then he managed to escape through the roof at night while the guard is resting. In the morning, the guards panicked because Pitung not in prison anymore.

News of the passing of the Pitung make the Dutch police and the rich become peaceful again. Then Schout Heyne ordered to arrest parents and teachers Pitung. They forced the police to let them know where Pitung now. However, they remained silent. As a result, they put them into prison.

Hearing the news that the parents and teachers of Dutch police arrested, then Pitung send a message to the Dutch. He said he would surrender if parents and teachers were released. The agreement was subsequently approved by the Schout Heyne.

Later in the day agreed, they met in the field. Parents Pitung released first. Now stay Haji Naipin is still with the Dutch police. In the clearing, an army of police pointing guns at Haji Naipin.

"Remove Haji Naipin now", said Pitung.

"I will release this teacher after you completely surrender," said Schout Heyne.

Hearing the proposed requirements Schout Heyne, then Pitung forward to the middle of the field. Deftly, police forces and aiming their weapons toward the Pitung.

"Finally caught you too, Pitung!" Shouted Schout Heyne with an arrogant tone.

"Yeah, but then I'm definitely going to get away again. With cowards like you, who dare rely on men, I'm not afraid, "replied the Pitung.

Hearing the words Pitung, Schout Heyne became angry. He took a few steps and signaled that his troops preparing to shoot. Haji Naipin are still there to protest the actions were cowardly. But the protests of Haji Naipin not heard, and cue to shoot Pitung already shouted. Finally Pitung bloody fall.

Parents and teachers Pitung feel very sad to see Pitung finally died at the hands of the Dutch police. Many of the people who participated and accompanied the funeral prayers. They promise to always remember the services Pitung, defenders and their patrons, and still be regarded as a hero betawi Pitung. :3 



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