Legend of Pesut Mahakam

In East Kalimantan, there is a famous rivers namely the Mahakam River. There are fish in the river a very distinctive shape that the dolphins porpoises (Orcaella brevirostris) is a freshwater dolphin Indonesia. Strapping body, small and triangular dorsal fin and rounded head / mouth dull-eyed little. Classified as small dolphins, with an adult length of 2.0 to 2.75 m, 1.0 m baby dolphins. Porpoises morbidly overactive, sometimes jumping low). Actually dolphins are not fish but mammals of water as dolphins and whales. According to residents around the river porpoises is not just any fish but it is the human incarnation.

The story in the days of yore in Mahakam shoreline, there is a village inhabited by several families. Their livelihood mostly as farmers and fishermen. Each year after the harvest, the villagers usually hold a traditional feast filled with a wide variety stunt and art.

Amid the people who live in the village, there is a family living in harmony and peace in a simple cabin. They consist of a husband and wife and their two sons and a daughter. Their life needs are not too difficult to meet because they have a garden planted with various kinds of fruits and vegetables. Similarly, all kinds of difficulties can be overcome by the wise, and they lived happily for many years.

 At one point, the mother stricken by an illness. Although some people have been treated by a physician, but the sick mother never healed well until she died. After the death of the mother, family life began no longer neglected. They dissolve in anguish at the loss of the person they love. The father became withdrawn and moody, while the two children are always filled with a sense of confusion, not knowing what to do. The state of their homes and gardens is now no longer maintained. Some village elders advised her father had tried to avoid sadness, but their advice can not make a difference to him. This situation lasts long enough.

One day in the village was again held traditional feast of harvest. Various performances and entertainment held back. In a stunt, there exists a beautiful girl and fascinating that always received the village youths when he acted. Hearing such news, temperamental father's liver also witnessed how the greatness of the show that was so highly praised by many young villagers who are crazy made.

That night was the seventh night of the event, held the crowds. Slowly father walked toward the venue where she was going to play. Deliberately he stood in front to be able to clearly watch the game as well as the girl's face. Finally the show began. Unlike the other spectators, the father was not much amused or flattering appearance of the girl. Yet once in a while there is also the father a small smile. The girl threw a cheery smile to the audience praised him and were teasing her. One time, finally met nevertheless views between the girl and her father had been. This incident was repeated several times, and was not expected at all it seems that the intertwined love between the girl with the father of two children.

Such is the case, with the consent of both parties and the blessing of the elders then dilangsungkanlah marriage between them after a traditional feast in the village over. And end to the gloom was the family, now they began to draw up a new life. They began working on the activities that they previously did not try again. The father returned diligent farming with the help of her two children, while the step-mother stayed at home to prepare food for the family. So it went on until months and months until their lives brightened.

In such situations, there was allegedly a completely new mother turns over time have properties that are less well against two stepsons. Both children were newly fed after any leftovers from his father. The father can only tolerate his wife's action, can not do anything because she loved him so. Finally, the entire household is set and in the hands of the young wife of the greedy. Both the stepson told to work hard every day tirelessly and even told to do things that are beyond their capabilities.

At one point, the step-mother had made an evil plan. He sent two stepsons to gather firewood in the forest.
"You two day finding fuel again!" Commanded the mother, "There should be three times more than you earn yesterday. And remember! Do not return before the wood is collected plenty. Understand?!"

"But, Mom ..." said his son, "What's that much wood ...? Wood that there are still quite a lot. When you're running low, then we look for it again ... "

"What?! You've dared argue yes ?! Later kulaporkan to your father that you slacker! Come on, leave right now !! "
said the stepmother angrily. 

Stepson were women then pulled her hands to leave immediately. He knew that his father had influenced stepmother, so it is useless to argue it would get the blame nevertheless. After bringing some of the fixtures, they went into the forest. Until dusk approaches, the wood there is not sufficient as requested their stepmothers. Forced the one they have to stay overnight in the forest in a former cottage somebody in order to continue with their work the next day. Almost midnight before they can sleep despite the hunger they twisted their stomachs.

The next morning, they began to collect wood as much as possible. Shortly before noon, hunger was unbearable, finally they lay on the ground for a few moments. And without their knowledge, an old man came up to them.
"What are you doing here, kids ?!" asked the old man to them. Both of these unfortunate children and tell them everything, including the behavior of their stepmother and their circumstances that have not eaten rice since yesterday until it felt no longer able to continue the work.

"Well then ..., you guys go that way." Said the old man, pointing to a clump of brushwood, "There, there are many fruit trees. Eat it up to the full. But remember, do not be searched again the next day because it will be in vain. Go now! " 

She thanked, the two sisters rushed to the place in question. It was true what was said grandfather said, there are a lot of various kinds of fruit trees. Durian, jackfruit, jackfruit, Wanyi, mango and papaya ripe seemed scattered on the ground. Other fruits such as bananas, rambutan and coconut ivory appeared hanging on the tree. They then take these fruits to fullness and body feels fresh again. After resting a while, they can resume work collecting wood to match the requested stepmother.

By late afternoon, little by little wood polynomial it successfully repaid all home. They then arrange the timber regardless of the home. Once completed, then they go up to the house to report to the step-mother, but it would be their surprise when looking at the house that had been empty.

It turned out that the father and their stepmother had left the house. The entire property has been exhausted in the house with them, this means they go away and never to return again to the house. The brothers were poor then cried uncontrollably. Hearing the cries of the two, berdatanganlah surrounding neighbors to find out what the hell was going on. They were surprised to learn that both the father and stepmother of these children have been moved secretly.

The next day, both children insisted to look for his parents. They announce their plans to the nearest neighbor. Some neighbors who pity then swap firewood with the provision of food for the journey of the children. Shortly before noon, leave both search for their father and stepmother.

They have two days to run but their parents are not too common, while food supplies have been exhausted. On the third day, they arrived in a hilly area and they appeared by smoke from the fire billowed in the distance. They immediately headed towards the place was just asking the occupants may know or see their parents.

They finally find a cabin that is already shaky. Looked an old man was sitting in front of the cottage. The brothers then saluted the old man and saluted.

"Where are these guys? What do you mean to come to my place which is far off the beaten track this? "Asked the grandfather while occasionally coughed a little."Sorry, Tok," the boy said, "We are seeking both urangtua us. Do Datok never saw a man and a woman who is still young through here? "The grandfather paused, wrinkling his forehead, apparently he was trying hard to remember something."Hmmm ..., a few days ago there was a couple who came here," said the grandfather later, "They carry a lot of stuff. Whether they are you looking for? "

"Unmistakably, Tok," the boy said happily, "They must urangtuha us! Which direction they go, Tok? ""At that time they borrow a boat to cross the river. They say that they want to settle across there and want to create a cottage and a new plantation. Try it you find on the other side. ""Thanks, Tok ..." the boy said the eldest, "But ..., can Datok drove us across the river?"

"Datok old ... where the strength to row the boat!" The old man said with a chuckle, "If you want to catch up with them, use the existing boat alone on the edge of the river."

The brothers also ventured to bring the boat grandfather. They promised to return the boat if it has managed to find their parents. After thanking, they then get into a boat and rowed to the other side. Both forgot the hunger that twisted their stomach for joy after learning the whereabouts of their parents. Finally they reached the other side and the boats moored in a creek. After two days walking on an empty stomach, then they see the end of a hamlet that is rarely populated.

Appeared to them a newly built cottage looks. Slowly they approached the cabin. With feelings of anxiety and doubt the brother up the stairs and calling its inhabitants, while the little brother walked around the lodge until he found a clothes line in the back of the cottage. He also remembered his father ever sews clothes for tear associated with thorns, after he approached then rest assured that it was indeed his father's clothes. Immediately he ran to her brother as he showed the father had found the clothes behind. Without another thought they entered the cottage and the cottage turned out to indeed contain belongings of their father.Apparently their parents in a hurry to go, so that in the kitchen there are pot placed on the fire that is still burning. Inside the pot there is rice that has become mush. Because of hunger, the brother eventually devour hot rice porridge is still the heart's content. New brother followed into the kitchen be surprised to see what is being done her sister, she immediately grabbed the pot whose contents stay a little bit of it. Because fear not miss, he immediately devoured the rice porridge once with her pot.

Due to the porridge eaten still hot so their body temperature rise becomes infinite. In circumstances such abysmally, both ran to and fro about to find the river. Each banana trees they found on the left side of the road to the river, so that in turn they embraced the banana trees to wither. Once they reached the bank, they immediately jump into it. Almost simultaneously with the occupants of the cottage was indeed both parents the poor child was astonished to see a lot of banana trees around the cottage they withered and charred.But they were pleasantly surprised when entered into the cottage and mejumpai a bundle and two saber belonging to her two children. The wife continued to examine the contents of the cottage to the kitchen, and he did not find another pot that had been left behind. He then reported the matter to her husband. They then rushed down from the cottage and follow the road towards the river on either side there are a lot of banana trees that have withered and charred.Arriving at the riverside, it seems by those two creatures that move to and fro in the water while the water spouted from his head. Mind husband thought of the series of events that may very well have something to do with the family. He was shocked to find his wife suddenly had no side. Apparently he disappeared magically. Now the husband realized that his wife was not an ordinary human offspring. Since their marriage, the wife does not ever want to tell his origin.

Not long ago, the villagers flocked to the river bank to witness the oddity that had just occurred. Two fish whose head is similar to a man's head was moving from side to middle of the river while occasionally appear and spouted water from its head. People who are in that place water bursts estimates that the two entities was the heat that can cause small fish die if exposed to flare.

By Kutai, fish spouting water fish called Pasut or porpoises. While people in the Mahakam named Bawoi fish. :3



  1. https://www.sateayam.site/mengenal-permainan-di-situs-adu-ayam-online/
    Pada artikel kali ini kami akan membahas mengenai mengenal permainan di situs adu ayam online di website kami bolavita.pro untuk membuat para pemain adu ayam, pengemar permainan berdarah satu ini sangatlah di gemari oleh penduduk filipina dan hampir selelur dunia terutama indonesia sendiri.

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