
Written in ancient times, the royal Bali managed to burn the village Kenaga. At that time, the center of the royal government Kenaga is Suradadi. Paihnya named Raden Satria Nata.

After losing the war with Bali, Satria Raden Nata along with his followers looking for a place to open a new village. Finally, it was found was a place similar to Kenaga village. The village was named Associate village. Satria Raden Nata and his followers then open fields and grow crops there. Plants that are most suitable is the type of "lablab" (in the Java language called "kara"). That said, at the time of flowering lablab, Jin's daughter came to suck the nectar of flowers lablab. One daughter Jin caught by Satria Raden Nata. Long story short, Jin's daughter became queen consort Satria Raden Nata. However, both parties have agreed not to talk to each other for husband and wife.

In their marriage, was born a son who was very loved by Satria Raden Nata. The feeling that he wanted to speak to his wife. However, it was not possible because he did not want to break the promise that has been agreed upon.

One day, his wife went to the cistern (well) taking on water. Her son put to sleep on top "Geong" (swing). At that time, the baby can sit. The opportunity was used by Satria Raden Nata to take the scarf that was used to hold his son, then hidden. For a moment he stroked his son, who was sleeping soundly.

Not long later, came the mother. When she got home, she saw her son was awake and crying. Then was appointed his son, while looking for her shawl. Without speaking whit the mother out of the room looking for her shawl, but not met.

Looking at the faces of his wife and his behavior, Satria Raden Nata asked, "What are you looking for? Perhaps this. "He said as he handed me a scarf taken. His wife immediately took the shawl and politely he knelt and said, "Here we live together. I was forced to leave because kanda kanda has broken a promise that we agreed to. "Then he got up and went to get" Joman "(straw), and burned. The princess with her Son disappeared with the disappearance of the smoke straw.

Satria Raden Nata unable to withstand the departure of his wife, and then she fainted. After he regained consciousness advisable to be imprisoned in the mountain Sesang, in order to meet with his wife and children.

During the nine days nine nights, he could not meet with his wife and children. Only his voice is heard. His wife said that he does not return. Which might back his son, the condition must be held selamatan ceremony with offerings that are equipped with a tray of forty-four wide and taken to the village Kenaga.

Having held a ceremony led by Nek Sura, her son can go back and maintained by Nek Sura.

Satria Raden Nata dissatisfied before met his wife, but the wait was not long in coming. Finally, Satria Raden Nata died at the Hermitage.

Meanwhile, the son of Raden Satria Nata was about six years old, but has yet to be named. Then, sought people who could name them. The goal is to gels, where his ancestor, perhaps no one can give a name. It is said that while waiting for a boat to cross to Bali, suddenly came an old man claimed descent from Satria Dayak, the only one who has the right to name the son of Raden Satria Nata. Later, the son of Raden Satria Nata named "Satria Tampena".

Tampena of Satria name is supposedly the origin of the name of the town Ampenan. Descendants Satria Tampena Suradadi in a neighboring village, East Lombok. :3 



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