
Indonesia is a country located between two oceans (Pasifikk and Indian) and two continents (Asia and Australia). This is one reason why Indoneisa is a strategic country. Indonesia is a country with many islands therefore dubbed the Indonesian archipelago country. Indonesia Has many cultures, dances, customs, language, and many others. But, Indonesia has the motto "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" which means it is different but still one. Indonesia is very thick with customs. because the Indonesian people are very appreciative of his ancestors.

Indonesia traversed by the equator, so that Indonesia only has 2 seasons. Season in Indonesia is the dry season and the rainy season. Indonesia is also traversed by the plates - plates, which makes Indonesia has many active volcanoes. This is the reason why some fertile ground in Indonesia. Almost all existing types of plants can be grown in Indonesia.

Indonesia has sea Broad And Many coral reefs. Even Foreign Fishing Boats Many Operates illegal here. but Indonesia has marine and fisheries minister Yang Very assertive And Always Keeping the underwater riches. not only underwater, Indonesia is also rich in gold, coal, natural gas and even uranium.

Indonesia is a republic that the democratic government system. This country is based on the law. Indonesia led by a president and his deputy. tenure of president and vice president is only 5 years old, and then there will be new presidential elections. who elect the president? yes of course the people of Indonesia itself. Indonesian society but predominantly Muslim Indonesia itself recognizes six religions namely Islam, Catholic, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist and Kong Hu Chu.

What I have presented only a small part of the Indonesia. I think Indonesia is an amazing country and it can be a blessing to the other .
I was born in Indonesia and now I live in Indonesia. there are many bad things happen, but I still proud to be Indonesian people. even Indonesia wasn't perfect, I still love Indonesia. and right here, in my blog, I will share to you, how beautiful Indonesia is. then you gonna see, that Indonesia is a wonderful country. I hope you enjoy my stories. love you guys. happy reading :)

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